Per hour or per person

We believe that Everyone, Everywhere, should be able to be Safe. For some this is 24/7 or during working hours, for others security is needed occasionally.

We are unique! X-Guard is the only service provider in security solutions that is able to protect people per hour to secure. This gives you and/or your organization the opportunity to protect yourself and/or everyone in your organization using the Alarm app. You purchase the estimated number of hours from us in advance: this way you never pay too much. If you need 24/7 security, we recommend a contract per person to confiscate.

Secure per person

Fixed rate per person (or per device). You enter into an annual contract with us for the number of people you wish to protect. For every new connection above the number of people to be protected, we will change your contract and increase it per month. At the end of your contract, you can redetermine the number of people to be protected if you extend your contract. In the case of a package “per person” you can: always send an alarm, even when your Own security is set to "Out'' stands.
In addition, X-Guard offers all-in-one alarm devices (the Advanced and Simple alarm button). You can order these devices from us ready for use at a fixed rate. Read more about the Advanced Alarm Button and the Simple Alarm Button via the buttons at the bottom of this page.

Security per hour 

Fixed rate per hour. You enter into an annual contract with us for the total number of hours you need for security. If the own security is set to ''On'' or ''Risk'', this will be at the expense of the purchased hours. This does not apply when emergency calls receiving is set to “On”. With a “per hour” package, you can: no send an alarm when your own security is on ''Out'' stands. You must set the button to "On" for your own security in order to be able to raise the alarm. If the purchased hours are exceeded, you or your employee will still be protected. You will receive a monthly overview of the exceedances made and you can determine whether you want to increase the purchased hours. Purchased hours can be increased monthly. Reducing the purchased hours is (only) possible at the end of the contract period.

Tip: The automatic switching of the "Aan",- "Uit",- and "Risk” button prevents unnecessary use of the purchased hours. You can also go to “Change settings” set in the app that after a certain time (set yourself) you will receive a notification that your own security is still on ''At" has. Read more about “Automatic switching” via the buttons at the bottom of this page.

Need advice in making the right choice?

Do you need personal advice about which solution best suits your company or organization? You can contact us by telephone without obligation (088 126 1212) or schedule a consultation in our agenda via the button below:

What are the costs?

We offer different price packages for a package “per person”. For a “per hour” package, we recommend customization - an X-Guard advisor will work with you to find a suitable, personalized solution. You can read more about our regular price packages and customization via the button below.

Want to know more?

Would you like to know more about the Advanced alarm button, the Simple alarm button or the “Automatic switching” function? Click on one of the buttons below: