Arbo Technical Wholesale

Recently, various aspects of safety during work in the technical sector were discussed at the occupational health and safety technical wholesale prevention day. Topics such as discrimination, undesirable behavior and the role of the confidential counselor were discussed.

Mr. Raymond Crutzen also gave a lecture on working alone during this day. It discussed the risks that working alone entails and the four levels into which these risks are divided.

1. Harmless, no accidents to be expected due to the nature of the work/working environment.
2. Limited danger present, the lone worker does not encounter such problems that he or she can no longer call for help.
3. There is immediate danger, these accidents or situations can have such consequences that the lone worker finds himself in a situation where he needs help and is no longer able to call for it himself.
4. Acutely threatening, these accidents or situations can have such consequences that immediate assistance is vital.

Only in situation four is it not permitted to work alone, in the other three situations working is only permitted provided that appropriate measures have been taken. One of the measures is that these employees can raise the alarm if an emergency occurs. X-Guard is the perfect solution for this.