Innovative security for employees

Innovative security for employees of Mondriaan GGZ in solo positions.

Twente-based X-Guard has entered into a framework agreement with mental health institution Mondriaan to preventively protect its employees who work solo.

As is known, more and more beds are being phased out in mental health care.

More and more Mondriaan clients are being treated at home, in their own familiar environment. This means that employees often work on an itinerant and solo basis. To provide employees outside the organization with personal safety, personal security was chosen based on an app on a smartphone with an emergency button. The X-Guard app functions as a link between the person requesting help and the parties providing assistance.

X-Guard has added a number of innovative features to the app with the help of Mondriaan. Using the innovative Indoor Positioning System (IPS), the app makes smart use of WiFi and Bluetooth signals received in a specific room. This way, care providers always know the exact location, even in a home, where the request for help comes from. The assistance is provided by the Guards. Guards are three groups of people, colleagues, professional surveillance companies and national emergency services.

Mondriaan uses its own control room that coordinates and manages the follow-up of assistance. In case of aggression or violence, the emergency button must be used.