Battery consumption X-Guard Alarm app

Every app on the smartphone contributes to the battery consumption of your phone, this also applies to the X-Guard Alarm app. At X-Guard we strive for a good balance between safety and comfort. In pursuit of our motto Everyone, Everywhere, Safe, your safety should not be hampered by an (almost) empty battery. Your X-Guard package (per person or per hour) affects the battery consumption of the X-Guard Alarm app.

Explanation packages

X-Guard offers two different packages: packages ''per person''  where you pay a fixed rate per person, and packages ''per hour'' where you pay a fixed rate per hour. With packages ''per person'' you can always send an alarm, even when the Self-protection is set to "Off". With packages ''per hour'' you can only send an alarm if the Own security is set to "On".

X-Guard only deducts hours from the hour bundle when its own security is set to “On”. Read more about our packages via the buttons at the bottom of this page.

Battery consumption

To give you an indication of the battery consumption of the X-Guard Alarm app, we have provided a situational sketch below, describing the battery consumption per situation. Additionally, tips for minimizing your battery consumption are listed.

1. Own Security

Self-protection set to 'Off': no battery consumption. The Alarm app runs in the background and is on standby to send an emergency call.

Self-protection set to “On”: normal battery consumption. Your location is known and is sent during an emergency call and your smartphone uses data. It is useful to have the Personal Security switch automatically

Own security at “Risk”: a lot of battery consumption. When your own security is set to “Risk”, your smartphone will consume a lot of battery. The Alarm app is continuously monitoring the movement of your smartphone (motion detection - comparable to a pedometer). This is an intensive process that requires a lot of battery power. X-Guard therefore advises to only set your own security to “Risk” if this is necessary. It is also useful to have the Risk button switch automatically.

2. Receive emergency calls

Setting “On” or “Off” your availability to receive emergency calls does not cost you a package”per hour".

Receive emergency calls on “Off” : no battery consumption.
Receive emergency calls set to “On” : low battery consumption.

Receiving emergency calls is a (default) setting in the app. However, your organization may have determined that this setting is not visible in the app.

3. Automatic switching

Enable Rules – “Off” :  no battery consumption
Enable Rules – “On” : little battery consumption

(read more about Automatic switching, Own security and Receiving emergency calls via the buttons at the bottom of this page.

Tips and tricks

Below are some tips for minimizing your battery consumption:

  • The app consumes more battery when its own security is set to “On” and in the foreground with the screen open. When you open the app and keep it open a lot, the battery consumption is a lot.
  • All devices (both Android / iOS) consume less battery when they lie still on the table. If the device is worn continuously, this will be at the expense of battery usage.
  • A device that travels many kilometers uses more battery (for example in the car). Advice: charge your device in the car.

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