Visit an address

Please note, this is (still) a pilot function!

Location determination based on (risk) addresses that are added ad hoc in the app.

By adding temporary addresses in the app, X-Guard can determine the GPS location of an alarm more accurately. If a location can be determined accurately, emergency services can arrive faster.

Add temporary (risk) addresses

Optimizing GPS locations of ad-hoc locations can easily be done manually in the X-Guard Alarm app via the menu: ''Visit an address''.  The addresses that should be temporarily active can be added here. The desired address can be looked up via an easy address finder from Google. Once the address has been entered, the floor can optionally be added. You must then indicate how long the address should be stored.

Example: If you expect to visit and leave an address within three hours, select '3 hours' for 'total duration'.

 The maximum duration for which the address can be active is 24 hours

Important: ''Visit an address'' is a pilot function. This means that the function is not automatically displayed in the app's menu. When the pilot features are enabled, the feature will be visible in the app's menu. Click the button below for information on how to enable the pilot features or contact your contact.

When an address is added via the app, the phone will take over the exact location when the phone comes close to this address.

Technical Specifications

  • Adding addresses is possible since version V4.8.0 of the X-Guard Alarm app
  • Adding addresses is possible on Android and iOS.

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