Measuring is knowing

When one wants to be sure that Everyone Safe Everywhere is, the use of our security solution must be clearly reported. At X-Guard we send daily, weekly and/or monthly reports to people responsible for groups of app users or people responsible for certain hardware, such as the X-Guard Beacons.

What do we report for you?

App usage

The App Usage Report sends a report that summarizes app usage per user over the past month. If enabled, the report will be sent every month at the beginning of the month.


The alarm report sends a report containing an overview of the alarms that have occurred since the last report. If enabled, the report will be sent the following Monday. If enabled, the report will be sent the following Monday, and then once a week.

New alarm

The new alarm report is sent when a new alarm is created. This is only done for orange and red alarms.

Unhealthy beacons

The unhealthy beacon report includes beacons that have not been seen recently, or have low battery percentage. The report is sent once a week, on Mondays.

Want to know more?

Want to know more about “Own security”, Alarm Manager and the SLA for beacons? Click on one of the buttons below.

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