Service Level Agreement services

X-Guard will provide its services with the utmost care. In the event of a malfunction, X-Guard uses a Incident Management System. During the Incident, the status can be viewed by the customer at


The goal of the Incident Management Process is to restore service as quickly as possible and minimize disruption to the business process. The customer can report malfunctions to the X-Guard telephone number at 088-1261250. In addition, X-Guard actively monitors all its systems, including those of its suppliers, in order to detect malfunctions as quickly as possible.

Process steps

Step 1: Registration of an incident

An incident is reported to X-Guard by the customer. All incidents are registered so that correct and timely handling can be monitored.

Step 2: Initial classification and support

Initial support involves structured activities aimed at determining the priority of the incident and resolving it where possible. The first thing we do is determine the urgency (degree of disruption to the business process) and the impact together with the customer.

Step 3: Examination and diagnosis

If the incident could not be resolved during the initial support, it will be assigned to an expert. The responsibility for following up the incident remains with X-Guard.

Step 4: Implement (temporary) solution

If necessary, the service desk will submit a change request to arrive at a structural solution. Once the solution has been implemented, X-Guard will update the ticket and inform the customer that the reported incident has been resolved.

Step 5: Log off incident as resolved

Incidents may only be classified as resolved by X-Guard if the customer has confirmed that the reported incident has indeed been resolved. The customer will receive an email with a possible solution. If the customer does not respond further, X-Guard will automatically close the ticket after one (1) day.

Step 6: Monitoring progress

X-Guard employees are responsible for actively monitoring the status of incidents. Even if an incident is forwarded to an IT expert who does not work at the X-Guard service desk.

During the fault, the customer has insight into the process


The first thing X-Guard will do is determine the urgency (degree of disruption to the business process) and the impact together with the customer.


  • High: the business process has stopped
  • Normal: The business process is negatively affected
  • Low: The business process is not affected by this


  • High: affects all users
  • Normal: concerns a number of users
  • Low: concerns one (1) user

The urgency and the impact together determine the priority of the incident. The time for an initial response as well as the time to resolve the incident depends on this priority.

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