Updates & Specifications

X-Guard BV will always strive to support the latest software and hardware. However, it is important that when telephone management lies with the company/organization, an acceptance test is always carried out to ensure that everything works properly.

Testing is done on a variety of phones in different configurations. We place very high demands on the quality control of our applications, but unforeseen problems can always arise.

The general terms and conditions of X-Guard BV state that we are not responsible for breaking functionality(s) due to updates and/or upgrades. This does not mean that we do not do our utmost to prevent any problems. We thoroughly evaluate new software versions of both iOS and Android and are involved in the developments at an early stage. We only guarantee compatibility with the currently communicated software versions and strive to ensure that these are always the latest software versions.

It is advisable to carry out the update management of telephones in the organization in phases, with an acceptance test being carried out.

When X-Guard BV takes care of the complete telephone management, we also take care of these acceptance tests and the phased rollout of software. We are of course available to provide advice and we communicate clearly about any inconveniences that need to be taken into account.

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