Does my health insurer reimburse personal alarms?

At X-Guard we are regularly asked whether our personal alarm can be reimbursed by health insurance. Unfortunately, we do not have a ready-made answer to this as it differs per insurer and per situation. We therefore recommend that you contact your health insurer.

Below are some conditions that many health insurers impose for the reimbursement of personal alarms (source: National government)

Reimbursement for medical reasons

Many health insurers only reimburse part of the costs of personal alarms if there are medical reasons for it. You must then have a statement from your GP stating that you need a personal alarm. Only the equipment is reimbursed. You must pay the subscription costs for the control room yourself.

Reimbursement for social reasons

Sometimes you can get a connection to the personal alarm system through the municipality. This is only possible if you need an alarm for social reasons. For example, you do not feel safe at home and you do not have people around who you can warn if something is wrong. You can discuss with your municipality what is possible for you. Not all municipalities reimburse personal alarms.

For more information and the conditions, it is best to contact your health insurer. They can tell you exactly whether and what will be reimbursed.

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